Style Selection
- Small text in color
- Medium text in color
- Large text in color
- Small white text on black page
- Medium white text on black page
- Large white text on black page
Visitors with visual impairments may want the material on this site to display in larger text or with greater contrast. Some may have assistive hardware or software that provides screen magnification.
Others may use the settings on most browsers, which allow text to be resized or the text and background colors to be changed to provide greater contrast. For example, if you're using Internet Explorer 5 on a PC, look under "View" on the menu bar and choose "Text Size." The material on this site is coded so that it will not over-ride an special settings you may use to make web sites easier to see. The variable fonts, for example, are easily resized.
If you're unable to resize text or change contrast in those ways, the web site includes style sheets that will perform this task for many.
If your browser or assistive technology works with style sheets, the menu below may be helpful. It allows you to choose among 3 sizes of text and 2 levels of contrast. Once you've chosen one of these 6 options you may, depending on what kind of browser or assistive technology you're using, need to use your browser's "back" button once or twice to take you back to the page you had been on before coming to this page, and then use the browser's "refresh" button. Or you can go to the page you had been on before coming to this one by using the navigation bar. (Note: If you use ZoneAlarm or other security software set to the highest levels, it may interfere with the technology we've used to help you change text size and contrast.)